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Physical Therapy in Tampa

Neurology and Physical Therapy Centers of Tampa Bay has been serving the bay area for over twenty years with our office conveniently located in Tampa. 

Common symptoms that can be treated with physical therapy:

Tampa, FL
2835 W. De Leon St.
Suite 205
Tampa, FL  33629

in Tampa

Physical therapy may also help to improve:

Which Insurance do you accept for physical therapy?

Some types of insurance we may accept for physical therapy include:

Auto Insurance - all auto accident insurance carriers

Florida no fault auto insurance
Personal injury protection
Medical pay auto insurance

Please note, acceptance of insurance may not guarantee coverage.

We accept auto insurance for physical therapy in Tampa and St. Petersburg

Call for an appointment today!

Hillsborough  813-831-6622
Pinellas         727-345-3333
We are a teaching facility.
Affiliated with Lake Erie College
of Osteopathic Medicine / Bradenton
Physical therapists can help people who have injuries or who have aggravated a chronic condition to improve their movement and may help to manage their pain. Physical therapists can play an important part in the rehabilitation and treatment of these patients.  Some of these conditions can come from auto accidents, sports injuries, work related accidents and fall related accidents.
Some of the services that our therapists provide are:

How does physical therapy differ at the Neurology and Physical Therapy Centers of Tampa Bay?